Chocolate™ PTA Balloon Catheter | Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty

The only nitinol caged balloon with Controlled Dilation, the Chocolate™* PTA balloon is designed for 1:1 vessel size to minimize flow-limiting dissections and reduce recoil.

As the balloon inflates, the cage causes the balloon to form a series of segmented cushions and grooves throughout the entire lesion. Cushions apply force to create small dissections necessary for effective dilation. Grooves relieve stress and stop dissections from spreading.



The Chocolate™* PTA Balloon Catheter is designed for balloon dilation of lesions in the peripheral vasculature, including the iliac, femoral, ilio-femoral, popliteal, infra-popliteal and renal arteries.


The Chocolate PTA balloon is a semi-conforming balloon enclosed in a nitinol-restrictive structure or cage that allows 1:1 vessel size.

The cage and balloon expand simultaneously so that as the balloon opens, the cage prevents the balloon from catching on lesions and causing torsional stress and dissections.

During inflation, the cage causes the balloon to expand in a controlled manner, reducing dog bones and over-inflation. The mesh also causes the balloon to form a series of segmented cushions and grooves throughout the entire lesion. Cushions apply force to create small dissections necessary for effective dilation. Grooves relieve stress and stop dissections from spreading.

Chocolate PTA Balloon Catheter Design

Chocolate PTA Balloon with Controlled Dilatation
  1. INFLATION: During inflation, the cage causes the balloon to form a series of segmented cushions and grooves across the entire lesion.
  2. BALLOON: The balloon is kept in the cage during inflation, preventing the dogs’ bones from swelling and protecting healthy tissue.
  3. CAGE: The nitinol cage expands with the balloon, protecting the vessel from torsional stresses and minimizing dissections.
  4. PILLOWS: Cushions apply force to create small dissections necessary for effective dilation.
  5. Grooves: Grooves relieve tension and stop dissections from spreading.
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